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Pianta un albero al Parco del Ticino con WOWnature_28 ottobre_ENG

Reforestation event at Valle del Ticino Park

On 28 October, join us for an extraordinary experience: the reforestation of the Parco Lombardo del Ticino. It will be a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the conservation of this precious natural heritage. Every tree planted is a step towards the recovery and protection of this vital ecosystem.

Why reforest the Parco Lombardo del Ticino?


The Parco Lombardo Valle del Ticino is a gem of biodiversity located in the heart of the Po Valley, a precious and delicate area that requires our attention and care. It constitutes the most important ecological corridor connecting the Alps and the Apennines.

With an area of 91,800 hectares, this treasure chest of nature has been recognised by UNESCO as a MAB Biosphere Reserve, underlining its exceptional value for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

The forests of the Ticino Park constitute the last and most important forest area in the Po Valley, covering an area of approximately 20,000 hectares. However, this natural heritage is threatened by the presence of invasive exotic plants, the result of socio-economic changes that have altered the natural balance.

Adopt or gift a tree in Valle del Ticino Park

Regenerate Nature step by step. By adopting a tree you can contribute to the project and will be invited by e-mail to participate in the planting event on 28 October. Plant a new tree with us and experience an unforgettable day.


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