A new urban forest in Milan: Tiny Forest
This innovative project is just one of four that will be presented during European Urban Forest Week, an event to be held in the first week of December. Organised under the auspices of the European Uforest project, the week will see the launch of four new urban forestry projects in as many European cities: Dublin, Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milan), Barcelona and Brasov. Each of these projects is designed to suit the specific needs of their local communities, aiming to improve the quality of life for residents.
What is a Tiny Forest
The ‘tiny forest’ is based on the work of Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki: a miniature ecosystem that offers all the benefits of a large green area. By densely planting many different species in a small space, this method enables the rapid growth of forests even on degraded land. Its implementation was also guided by students participating in the online course ‘Greening your city: develop your urban forestry project’, promoted by Uforest.
During the course, the students developed innovative ideas for creating green spaces in urban areas, and all these proposals will be displayed in the exhibition organised at the event.
Join us
On 2 December, the event will offer a unique opportunity to discover and actively participate in the tiny forest project in Cernusco sul Naviglio.
The programme for the day includes:
10:00 – 11:30 | Presentation of the project and exhibition of student projects
Institutional greetings
– Presentation of the Uforest project
– Presentation of the course “Greening your city: develop your urban forestry project” and results
– Presentation of the projects developed by the students of the online course
– Introduction to the European Urban Forest Week and the tiny forest project in Cernusco sul Naviglio
– Visit to the exhibition
11:30 – 12:00 | Moving towards the project area
– Walk to the project area via Lungo Naviglio corner of Ponte Levatoio
12:00 – 13:00 | Visit to the urban forestation area and planting of the first trees
– Talk by experts from Forestami and WOWnature on the importance of urban forestation for resilient and sustainable cities
– Technical talk on the tiny forest project, with explanations on the species chosen and the implementation area
The event will be held at the Sala del Consiglio Comunale, Comune di Cernusco sul Naviglio, Via Tizzoni 2.
Mark this date on your calendar and join us on 2 December to be part of this initiative that aims to transform Cernusco sul Naviglio into a green and sustainable oasis. Everyone’s participation is essential to build a better future for our community and the environment around us.
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