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WOW ambassador

Bernardo Cumbo

Who's Bernardo Cumbo?

Bernardo Cumbo is an Italian content creator and storyteller, known for his commitment to promoting alternative and sustainable lifestyles. He lived in an ecovillage for two years, an experience that profoundly influenced his worldview and inspired him to share stories of people and communities choosing unconventional life paths.
Through his social channels, such as YouTube and Instagram, Bernardo talks about sustainable agriculture, permaculture, and mutual aid communities.

Even among the forests of WOWnature we can find stories of people who have decided to change their lives to dedicate themselves to nature. Behind our projects there are always people working every day to seek a balance between people and nature. If you too want to discover the protagonists of our forests from Sicily to Burkina Faso and Padua. 

Se po' fa' (Let's do it)

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