
About Us

WOWnature helps citizens, organizations and businesses grow new forests and protect existing ones, while adhering to the highest forest management standards such as Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification.

WOWnature, the scientific partner for your business

WOWnature is the scientific partner for companies wishing to invest in environmental sustainability and develop a path to corporate social responsibility (CSR). We support companies’ green initiatives, offering environmental advice and turning commitments into concrete actions for the planet through interventions in Italy and 8 other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.

WOWnature is an initiative of Etifor, an environmental consulting firm, a spin-off of the University of Padua and a Benefit Society. WOWnature was founded in 2018 to promote reforestation and forest protection in Italy and abroad. It offers people and companies the opportunity to participate in the protection of biodiversity and the fight against climate change. WOWnature is committed to the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems. It applies scientific best practices of forest management in the field, imitating nature and ensuring serious and reliable interventions.

Where we come from

WOWnature was born because we were tired of seeing green areas and forests abandoned or poorly managed.

The decisive push came in October 2018 with Vaia, a storm that destroyed hundreds of forests, disfiguring our mountains. At that point, we realized that we needed to find a way to take care, all together, of our land.

planted trees
managed forests
kg/CO2 absorbed
WOW companies
forest lovers

The value we bring to your corporate forest

Expertise, reliability and a science-driven approach

We adopt technical and scientific best practices in managing and protecting the natural areas where we have a presence. We are a team of experts with extensive experience in implementing innovative projects that focus on the balance between people and nature.

Concreteness and proximity

We take care of forests with projects in Italy as well as abroad. Close to your company, your clients and partners, but also to those who need it most. Where possible, we define lines of intervention that generate positive impacts and improve the quality of life of local communities.

Effectiveness and long-term vision

We don't plant so much as plant: we carefully select areas where there is the greatest need for intervention and plant the right tree, in the right place, at the right time.

Verified quality and impacts

We provide for multi-year monitoring of the new trees we plant, to ensure the best development conditions and interventions necessary to maximize expected results. This is why we prefer to talk about growing" new trees, rather than "planting.""


At WOWnature, each team member brings unique skills and a shared passion for nature.
Working together, we are able to make a difference, one tree at a time.




WOWnature Team Coordinator


Account Manager


Communication manager


Communication specialist


Customer care


Web developer


Art director


Forest Team Coordinator


Project manager


Communication specialist


Ecosystem Services Junior Officer


Project manager

Since 2011, we have been putting nature at the center of decisions, devising science-based solutions.


Start the journey of environmental
responsibility with your company

We will answer you from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).

WOWnature® is a project of
Etifor S.r.l. Società Benefit
Piazza Alcide De Gasperi 41
35131 Padova

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