CA.MON S.r.l.
Once again this year, we are continuing our commitment to restoring a forest in Val di Fiemme through the WOWnature project, which began in 2020. Our goal is to help restore this beautiful and precious piece of alpine environment, which was severely affected by the Vaia storm in 2018, in an effort to regenerate the original ecosystem and counteract the effects that still cause critical consequences today; for example, the spread of certain parasites, including the dreaded bark beetle, which burrows under the bark of trees, carving intricate tunnels that disrupt the flow of sap in already weakened trees, killing them within a few weeks.
Our commitment is strong in helping to restore this area to its former splendor, for the people who live there, for those who love to visit this Unesco heritage site, and, above all, for the benefit of all of us.
CA.MON., in its continuous evolution, is always dedicated to offering its clients comprehensive and personalized solutions, based on a consistent exchange of synergies and expertise, the result of a targeted professional, human, and cultural choice. We firmly believe that the work of our company affects not only our clients and employees but also the local community and, more broadly, the world around us. We are increasingly aware, especially in light of the consequences of increasingly frequent and severe weather events, of the need to adopt an ecological sensitivity, taking responsibility for the environment and the community by doing our part, as much as possible, to help improve the climate and environmental situation.
We persist in choosing sustainable materials, technologies, and practices, in seeking methods that reduce consumption and minimize environmental impact, and in constantly exploring new paths and solutions. We believe that every activity should increasingly be assessed in terms of sustainability, with the conviction that creating new forests and protecting existing ones is among the best ways to combat climate change and pollution. For this reason, we continue to support the cause and the WOWnature project in Val di Fiemme.