Gava Imballaggi
Gava Imballaggi realizes solutions for packaging, storage and shipping of products, respect people and the environment. The Treviso-based company, also creator of the Ecopallet© line, has been committed for years to concrete actions for environmental and social sustainability. Today it intends to pursue, the UN SDGs. A strategic process that aims to measure the impacts generated by its activity, trying to reduce them and also working for their compensation, such as the support of environmental regeneration projects with the consequent positive effects and, last but not least, also with the absorption of CO2.
Past, present and future: the activities of Gava Imballaggi are the result of a long history, which brings with it the awareness of the difficulties of the present, but also the positive potential of our actions. For this reason it wants to get involved and try to do its part with the intent to safeguard the future for the new generations.