Passi che trasformano
Transforming can be a slow or fast process. The Passi che trasformano project facilitates change through nature: we are inspired by it, we use its metaphors, we learn to change, loving it and living it. It provides resources and skills to help other people to make conscious steps on this mother earth, through a complete training course, to acquire the qualification of Nature Life Coach. A school, Passi che Trasformano, created to convey, share, communicate and teach in depth the benefits of Nordic Walking on the well-being of the body – mind, the practices in Nature, the conduction of conscious and meditative walks, the great traditions of the path of energy connection, the modeling of metaphors and the technique of visualizations, the principles and strategies of the helping relationship for personal growth, the management of groups in Nature, the opening of the creative global mind, the transformation of Life.
The Nature Life Coaches who complete our training have the skills to guide everyone, from children to seniors, through the use of different techniques and through the journey in nature, to discover the connections between the natural environment, our interiority and our well-being. The Nature Life Coach Forest is an idea of Andrea and Federico, among the first graduates of the NLC course, who thought to offer to all future coaches of the Scuola di Passi che Trasformano, but not only to them, the opportunity to “create a forest with their own hands” by joining this exciting project of reforestation of Bosco Pizzotto in Levico with WOWnature, because we care about the common good, the future of our children and of the entire human race, because we believe in the sacred reciprocity between Men and Trees, between men and the entire Creation, a unique opportunity to transform our lives into a “sacred” space. Joining this project means joining life and contributing in a tangible way to making the future and the present better for all. Bosco Pizzotto is currently sold out and the discount code is no longer valid. To adopt trees please visit this page.