PwC is a network of more than 284,000 professionals worldwide, including more than 6,000 in Italy, committed to providing quality audit, strategic, legal and tax services to businesses. Companies play a key role in the transition to a zero carbon economy and at PwC Italy we are determined to do our part. For this reason we are committed to achieving zero emissions by 2030, through a plan articulated in 9 areas. In line with our purpose, we want to accompany our clients, private and public, and our suppliers in this transition, also contributing to the development of consistent public policies.
We decided to contribute to WOWnature’s project for the reforestation of the forest in Fiemme Valley and Pizzotto Forest, areas hard hit by the 2018 Vaia storm that disrupted the lives of those who live there and all those who love those valleys and mountains that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. We believe in sustainability and we are convinced that creating new forests and protecting the existing ones is the best way to fight against the climate crisis: for this reason we have embraced the cause and the project of WOWnature in Val di Fiemme.