Scuola Europa
The school Scuola Europa has decided to join the pilot project “A Scuola di Foresta” from the 2021-2022 school year. The initiative takes the form of pairing teachers with researchers from the Etifor team for declining teaching and in workshops conducted directly in the forest to address experiential learning modes. The initiative gravitates around three main thematic areas: what forests are, their main structure and functions, and their role in people’s health and in combating climate change.
During the fall educational outings, a number of trees were planted with the goal of planting a tree for each student, thus creating a real school forest. The idea is to be able to make, within the next ten years, the school Climate Positive, i.e., able to capture more CO2 than it emits, in line with the Sustainable Goals of the EU’s Agenda 2030 that the school pursues through various activities.
In the 2023/2024 school year, children contributed to the reforestation of the Lombardo Park in the Ticino Valley. School Europe’s new goals include: measuring the school’s impacts, learning from the forest through outdoor educational activities, and producing dissemination materials of project results.