Sentieri Sonori
Sentieri Sonori is the first festival dedicated to the discovery of the Euganean Hills through experiences that combine hiking and music. Here we are, after so many concerts and hundreds of kilometers of paths traveled, ready for the sixth edition, in the company of our Hills that return to be the natural stage for live concerts with low environmental impact that we access through guided hikes. This year is a year full of meaning, as we return together to discover and care for the nature that surrounds us through a slow and sustainable approach, throwing behind us the thoughts and worries of the last few months and letting ourselves be lulled by the greenery of the Hills and the melodies of our artists. This year, to make our approach to sustainability concrete, Sentieri sonori will be “Climate Positive” thanks to the collaboration between Etifor and the Festival organizers, who driven by a strong sense of responsibility will contribute to enhance and protect our territory and the natural areas where we live.
So the 2022 edition will be “Climate Positive” thanks to the use of the MARC – Measure, Avoid, Risk, Capture&Communicate – approach that allows to measure, reduce and capture environmental impacts and leave the area where the event takes place better than how it was. Etifor will support the organizers of the Festival during all the steps of this journey: from measuring impacts to communicating the efforts made. As we do every year, Sentieri Sonori will put in place initiatives and measures to minimize the impact on the climate, for example encouraging sustainable mobility, control of amplification and the use of lights with low environmental impact.
This year with the support of Etifor the Festival will be able to calculate its climate impacts and this will allow it to neutralize them by supporting WOWnature’s forestry projects. Thanks to the protection of existing forests more CO2 than that emitted by the Festival will be captured, helping to reduce the impacts of the climate crisis, and new trees will be adopted as part of the Parco Fiume Brenta project. The tree, in fact, is not only an icon for tackling the climate crisis: it is the perfect living being for capturing CO2 and it generates positive impacts in the territory that last for many years.