“Every individual has the power to make the world a better place” -Sergio Bambarén This was the spirit that – since its foundation back in 1964 until today – has guided Stefanplast, a company that always manages to keep alive the challenge of continuous renewal, the stubborn ability to look ahead, imagining and inventing new shapes, different products, interpreting and anticipating the needs of its customers, while always striving to optimize the management of resources and reducing its impact on the environment. A company that was born in an area where it has gained deep experience in the production of quality, functional and long-lasting products, accompanying the evolution of each product to the taste and lifestyle, to become a leading company in Italy in the production of plastic items for the household, garden and pet sectors – and that has decided to stay in that area, taking care of them.
For this reason, Stefanplast enthusiastically contributes to the restoration of the forests of the Asiago Plateau, supporting the growth of 100 new trees: “After the passage of the Vaia storm, the scarred landscape has left us speechless. We want these lands to be the setting of new memories for the youngest, as they were for us, in a past that we jealously preserve and on which we are planning a better future, to leave the next generations the chance to visit those woods rich in history and nature”. But Stefanplast’s commitment does not stop here: from the mountains to the plain, Stefanplast also supports the growth of 125 trees along the Treviso – Ostiglia cycle path, a fundamental artery for sustainable tourism in the area where all of us can enjoy the beauty of Veneto surrounded by greenery.