
Studio Avventi Rizzardi

Grown trees 54

“The Republic shall protect the environment, biodiversity, and ecosystems, including in the interest of future generations.”

As of March 9, 2022, this new paragraph of Article 9 of the Italian Constitution is in force. It has finally been enshrined among the fundamental principles of our legal system to protect the environment even in the interest of future generations.

In assisting businesses and public administrations in matters of environmental law on a daily basis, we realize the complexity of the interactions between humans and nature and the importance of safeguarding the land in which we live. For the Christmas holidays, we have decided to invest a small portion of our proceeds in supporting a reforestation project in our area to leave a more natural environment for our children, for future generations.

We hope that these trees can grow like “lyrics that the earth writes on the sky” (Khalil Gibran) and that the environment can also be protected through simple actions.

Supported areas

Lago di Camazzole

Carmignano di Brenta (PD)
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