Sito Aziende
ConfapiD Brescia
La Foresta di Confapid: piantiamo radici per un futuro sostenibile Fai crescere la foresta di ConfapiD ADOTTA DEGLI ALBERI
Blog for business
WOW what news How do we take care of forests and what are the best techniques to maximize the benefits
Make sustainable corporate gifts
Make eco-friendly corporate gifts Are you searching for corporate gifts for your customers, employees, or suppliers and want to have
Net Zero
Net Zero Do you aspire to develop more effective strategies to deal with the climate crisis?Let us create a customized
Organize corporate events and team building
Corporate and team building events If you’re looking for an initiative to bring value to your network and to nature,
Communicating corporate sustainability
Communicate environmental sustainability We work with you to develop a green marketing strategy that transforms your environmental commitment into added
Grow a corporate forest
Create your company forest with WOWnature There is no better time than now to start your journey towards environmental sustainability