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Forest Therapy Hub: health and wellness based on nature and forests

A society in balance is based on the strong link between health and well-being of people and the planet: the Forest Therapy Hub promotes nature-based practices supported by scientific knowledge, encouraging the restoration of balance between people and nature.

The Forest Therapy Hub

The Forest Therapy Hub (FTH) is a group of professionals from different countries offering innovative and unique training programs based on their real applied professional experience and practical implementation of scientific evidence. The goal is to mobilize and lead the interdisciplinary field of nature-based and science-based health and wellness practices, promoting an interaction between people and nature that supports the restoration of their health and well-being.

Forest Therapy Hub designs and implements training programs in skills applicable to students’ professional practices in a variety of disciplinary fields: ecotourism, wellness practicescoaching, social work and education, occupational therapy, preventive medicine, and clinical therapy, among others. It also aims to create, evaluate and consolidate models of nature-based interventions for specific groups as well as establish a strong international network of professionals with the goal of exchanging knowledge, sharing experiences and supporting local traditions.


What is Forest Therapy

Forest Therapy is a practice that in recent years is becoming very popular and is based on a well-defined assumption, that people can combat stress and improve their health and mood by connecting with nature. It is a true contemplation and meditation in the midst of trees and forests and involves a minimum of physical activity: a forest therapy session, in fact, begins with a muscular awakening, continues with a long walk and ends with a meditation session. Forest Therapy aims to promote positive states of psychophysical health, improving the connection with nature (nature connectedness), interpersonal relationships and social cohesion.

The western approach to this practice has focused on the biochemical aspect, and therefore on the substances emitted by trees. Trees in fact produce monoterpenes (elements that make up the essential oils) that have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Forest therapy also helps to keep stress levels under control, the main cause of many diseases. It helps fight depression and keep negative thoughts at bay.

WOWnature and Forest Therapy Hub together for Fiemme Valley

Our collaboration with the Forest Therapy Hub is based on the fact that we have always supported initiatives that want to spread the culture of Forest Therapy and Forest Bathing and, in general, initiatives that allow people to feel good in nature but especially with themselves. For this reason, the goal of the collaboration with FTH is to support the restoration of forests through the growth and maintenance of one of the forests in Val di Fiemme most affected by Storm Vaia in 2018: on that night two years ago, the wind created incalculable damage that caused a huge social, environmental and economic loss for local communities. “Vaia” was an unprecedented extreme event in Northeast Italy: a clear example of the consequences of climate change and the global climate crisis. FTHub, for the edition of 2021, will adopt 4 trees in Val di Fiemme for each person enrolled in the Forest Therapy course.


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