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WOW_video_Assorbimento CO2_EN

How to increase CO2 storage in forests

Learn how we can increase the CO2 storage of existing forests through responsible forest management interventions such as selective thinning and species selection. We take you to Bosco de Le Crete, one of the first WOWnature projects, an excellent example of responsible forest management.

The importance of forests

As trees grow, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in their stems, branches, roots and soil. However, this growth is not infinite and depends on available resources, such as water and nutrients, which are limited. In some situations, we can help forests grow better and faster through active management interventions.

The most successful interventions

One of the most effective interventions is forest initiation. This process includes selective thinning, which reduces competition between trees, allowing them to grow more vigorously. Through species selection, we can also increase biodiversity and improve the overall health of the forest. Selective thinning is an intervention that accelerates natural dynamics, facilitating faster and healthier growth of the remaining trees.

Our projects

Forest management interventions not only increase CO2 absorption, but also provide numerous other benefits. For example, they promote biodiversity by selecting a variety of species and improve the resilience of forests to environmental stresses. The European LIFE ClimatePositive project is an example of responsible forest management. This project aims to enhance the services and products generated by forests by field-testing innovative techniques to improve CO2 absorption and promote sustainability.

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