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Opera Verde: WOWnature’s TV series about superforests on Rai 3

Opera Verde is the first TV series to bring the best stories of reforestation and environmental protection to television. Airing on Rai 3 on September 14 and 21, 2024 at 3 p.m., three episodes will let you discover how forests can improve the world around us.

Stories of superforests: a new model of forestry

Opera Verde is a three-part TV series designed to popularize and inform about innovative forestry projects promoted by three of our partner companies committed to protecting natural ecosystems. With two 30-minute episodes and a 60-minute special episode, we at WOWnature want to educate, entertain, and showcase actions that can make a difference for the Planet. Environmental issues related to forests, especially the actions that bring them to life, are often complex and difficult to explain. Opera Verde is the first program expressly dedicated to forest design as a tool capable of creating and supporting harmony between communities and ecosystems. The series recounts concrete projects on Italian territory with the real impacts they produce, illustrating how they are implemented together with experts in the field.


What are superforests

The stars of the series are the “superforests.” They are our forests, all scientifically designed and managed to meet the needs of the land, providing multiple ecosystem benefits. These forests absorb CO2 and other pollutants, recharge aquifers, protect biodiversity, improve landscapes, combat hydrogeological disruption, and create spaces for art, culture, and education.

With Emilio Casalini to discover three forests of WOWnature

Led by journalist and cultural planner Emilio Casalini, the series will guide you discovery of unique forestation projects.

Bosco Limite in the Province of Padua: A forest designed to recharge groundwater, supported by Pasta Sgambaro.
Torbiere del Sebino Nature Reserve: A project supported by Molino Pordenone that highlights the importance of wetlands for biodiversity conservation and CO2 absorption.
Arte Sella in Borgo Valsugana: An art park among the forests of Trentino, affected by storm Vaia and being regenerated thanks to the support of Levico Acque.

Thus, Opera Verde aims to be more than a TV series: it is an educational initiative that aims to inspire the public, businesses and local governments to take concrete actions to protect the environment. Through the telling of replicable models, we want to show how it is possible to make a difference, even with the support of local communities and companies that choose to invest in truly sustainable practices, far from greenwashing phenomena.

Watch Opera Verde on September 14 and 21 at 3 p.m. on Rai 3

Lucio Brotto, co-founder of Etifor and creator of WOWnature, explains that the goal of this popular series is to raise awareness of the complexity and importance of creating a multifunctional forest. People often think that planting trees is a simple action, but in reality it is a multifaceted process involving several steps, including scientific study, soil preparation, planting, maintenance, and responsible long-term management. If you, too, would like to find out what Lucio will tell us along with Federico Pinato and a panel of environmental experts, watch Opera Verde on Rai 3. Watch the first two episodes on Sept. 14 at 3 p.m. and on Sept. 21 for a special episode.

 14/09/2024 – at 15.00

Opera Verde – Torbiere del Sebino, il respiro dell’acqua – Molino Pordenone e WOWnature, Etifor. 


14/09/2024 – at 15.30

Opera Verde – Arte Sella, la foresta dell’acqua – Levico Acque e WOWnature – Etifor


Opera Verde was produced with Next14, an integrated communications agency that worked on the project with WOWnature, in collaboration with Rai Pubblicità.


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