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  • Lovers of good things
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Black elderberry is a wild plant widespread in Europe. The name comes from the Greek word "sambyke", meaning "flute made from the bark of the plant". The Magic Flute of Nordic tradition was in fact made from this wood. Elderberry was given magical powers: it was planted around monasteries, rural homes and fortresses because it was believed to protect against spells. Useful for those who like to feel protected!

Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Common name: Black elderberry

It grows throughout most of Europe, with the exception of the far north. It is an arboreal or shrubby plant belonging to the botanical family Caprifoliaceae. It prefers wild glades, moist forest edges, slopes and vineyard margins. The trunk is twisted gnarled, brownish-gray in color. When sectioned, it reveals a distinctive feature: a white pith, soft and elastic in texture. Because of this, it is easy to hollow out the trunk and use the wood to make small handicrafts or musical instruments. The flowers are the part that makes the elderberry recognizable. Very small, creamy white and star-shaped, they are grouped in large umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

In the Middle Ages, Germanic folklore claimed that Elderberries growing by lakes and streams were inhabited by a fairy, and that elves hid in the foliage. The plant was also an object of divination. One example, evidently related to agrarian worship: if its inflorescences were small and poor in flowers, a drought year was expected. On the other hand, if the inflorescences were large and big, a great harvest was coming.

Rich in vitamins, the elderberry can be taken as a true natural supplement. It is considered a good anti-flu, due to its ability to increase sweating, which lower body temperature in cases of fever. Our favorite use is for elderberry syrup, the main ingredient for spritz hugo; a cool variation to the usual aperitif.

( from 28,00  )

What makes it unique

2.50 Kg

of CO2 captured over a year

10 meters

reachable height

50 years

maximum life expectancy

Forests where you can grow your own Elderberry, adopting or giving it away.

Bosco della Panarotta
Levico Terme (TN)
Le Basse del Brenta
Cartigliano (VI)
Parco Campo dei Fiori
Luvinate (VA)
Parco del Serio
Romano di Lombardia (BG)
Parco Oglio Sud
Pessina Cremonese (CR)
Val di Mello
Val Masino (SO)
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