Determined people
Lovers of good things
An evergreen shrub that grows in sunny, rocky places and produces the famous blue-purple berries. Folk tradition has always attributed it with the power to keep witches and evil spirits away, which is why its branches were hung on the doors of stables, on the roofs of houses or were burned so that the incense would purify the air. Dedicated to lovers of Gin and superstitions!
Scientific name: Juniperus communis
Common name: Commonn juniper
It is a member of the Cupressaceae family. The Juniper can be found in both shrub and small tree form. It is an evergreen, perennial plant with very prickly needle-like leaves. It is usually found in meadows, forests and generally in dry mountain environments. It is a dioecious plant, that is, with male and female reproductive organs divided on different plants. The female plants produce what we call berries, but they are actually infructescences.
A peculiar characteristic of this plant is that the berries (infructescences!) of the previous year ripen and turn dark blue when the new ones appear. Thanks to this ability to bear fruit at different degrees of ripeness at the same time, it is a plant of high superstitious value. The protagonist of a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm of several folk tales and beliefs, this plant is said to have been the only one to give shelter to the Holy Family during the flight to Egypt. Popular tradition has always attributed to juniper the power to keep witches and evil spirits away, which is why its branches were hung on the doors of stables to preserve the health of livestock, on the roofs of houses or were burned so that incense would purify the air.
Faux berries are widely used both in cooking, especially in the preparation of game, and in the production of gin, wines, liqueurs, and brandies.
What makes it unique
of CO2 captured over a year
reachable height
maximum life expectancy
Forests where you can grow your own Juniper, adopting or giving it away.

Bosco San Lio

Lio Piccolo, laguna di Venezia

Mezzaluna della Biodiversità