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  • Animal lovers
  • Wisest people

Ancient Romans love this plant for its fruits (called sorbs), rich in vitamin C. Rowan loves the Mediterranean areas, in company with many little birds. We shall preserve it since its great value for the ecosystem. Given its slow growth rate, it's perfect for those who believe that "slow and steady wins the race".

Scientific name: Sorbus Aucuparia
Common name: Rowan

A member of the large family Rosaceae, the Rowan is widespread throughout most of Europe, from sea level to the tree line. It is a medium-sized tree, 10-15 meters tall. The slender trunk reaches up to 50 cm in diameter. It can also grow in shrub form, with multiple trunks. All its beauty lies in the oval crown, which becomes rounded as time passes. The leaves are oblong in shape, often rounded at the base where they are asymmetrical, with a sharp apex. Dark green in color, they take on a deep red color in the autumn period. From May to July, they are filled with numerous small white flowers, up to 100 in a single inflorescence! In summer, they give way to false fruits, scarlet-red globular-shaped knobs, grouped in large clusters. They are much loved by birds and small mammals, but harmful to humans.

"Aucuparia" is a Latin term that means "to catch birds." In fact, already the Ancient Romans used this tree as bait to bring home a meal. The more spiritual Nordic tradition gave the Rowan positive magical properties. Its branches kept witches away and protected against bad luck. Similarly, in Scandinavian culture, Druid priests carved their ritual formulas on the prized rowan wood. In Wales, beer and cider were popular. In addition, these plants were planted near cemeteries to ensure that the dead had a peaceful stay.

The seeds, or better, the achenes, contain amygdalin, a substance toxic to humans, so it is imperative to eliminate them for any recipe. With the fruits, you can make jellies and jams that go well with cheeses and meat. To increase the size of the fruits and make them more workable, a trade is being launched in specially selected Rowan cultivars.

( from 34,00  )

What makes it unique

1.80 Kg

of CO2 captured over a year

15 meters

reachable height

100 years

maximum life expectancy

Forests where you can grow your own Rowan, adopting or giving it away.

Bosco dei Sette Cieli
Altofonte (PA)
Bosco della Panarotta
Levico Terme (TN)
Parco Campo dei Fiori
Luvinate (VA)
San Vigilio di Marebbe
Marebbe (BZ)
Val di Fiemme
Val di Fiemme (TN)
Val di Mello
Val Masino (SO)
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