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Pianta un albero in Val di Mello con WOWnature_14 ottobre

Reforestation event in Val di Mello: plant a tree in Lombardy’s largest nature reserve

Join the event organized by WOWnature on October 14 in San Martino, in the province of Sondrio, to reforest one of the naturalistic jewels of the Alps. We are talking about the Val di Mello, which is as large as 4,5000 hectares, it’s more than 6,300 soccer fields! Our goal is to grow new trees as natural areas are being abandoned. Join us along with your friends and family to protect this ecosystem that needs to be protected.

The progressive depopulation of mountain areas and the parallel overcrowding of tourism has led to the abandonment of activities related to the mountain pasture economy. Val di Mello is therefore suffering from the reduction of its most fragile habitats and the loss of biodiversity.

Adopt a tree in Val di Mello 


To increase the biodiversity and resilience of the area, our forestry experts have selected 4 species of trees and shrubs that you can adopt or give away:



Dog rose





How to participate


If you want to participate in this reforestation initiative and protect an ecosystem protected by the European Community: 

  • Adopt or give a tree: choose from the 4 different species of trees available.

  • Invitation to the planting event: after adopting a tree, you will receive an email invitation to the event where you can plant your tree in person. Share this experience with friends and family to make the day even more special.

  • Get ready for the event: Wear comfortable clothes and hiking shoes. October 14 will be the perfect opportunity to relax in nature while doing good for the environment. 

Reforestation goal


With this project on the one hand, the aim is to improve forest management and on the other to protect and enhance biodiversity. Special attention will be paid to habitats and species of community interest, starting with valley floor ecosystems such as alder forests, which are endangered by the masses of tourists who flock to the areas on weekends. Reforestation and restoration of natural balances will make the Val di Mello forest strong and resilient.



This project is co-funded by the Lombardy Region’s “Biodiversity and Climate” (BioClima) Call for Proposals and supported by Fondazione Cariplo. Bioclima is an initiative created within the framework of the Lombardy Plan and the LIFE GESTIRE 2020 project that aims to create public-private financing models to catalyze investment in biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation projects in Lombardy’s forests and protected areas.



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