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Pianta un albero a Bosco San Lio con WOWnature_25novembre_ENG

Reforestation event in Sicily: plant a tree in San Lio Forest, near Syracuse

Join the event organized by WOWnature on November 25 in Carlentini, Syracuse province. Together with the Valenziani farm we want to plant 4500 new trees and secure the area from fires. Join us, along with your friends and family to breathe new life into this wonderful area.

Would you like to do something concrete to protect the environment and biodiversity? Would you like to have a special connection with a tree growing in one of the driest and hottest areas in Europe?

If the answer is yes, then we invite you to discover the project that WOWnature is carrying out in Sicily. We introduce you to Bosco San Lio, a new green area that has sprung up in the district of the same name in Carlentini, in the province of Syracuse. This is hilly land that has a long agricultural history but has been abandoned for too long. WOWnature, in collaboration with the Valenziani farm, has decided to transform it into a forest rich in native species adapted to the Mediterranean climate and extreme drought.

Adopt a tree at Bosco San Lio


You will not only be helping to create a new forest for the air, water, land and community, but you will also…


  • – Receive a personalized certificate with your tree’s design, its species, location and the amount of CO2 it absorbs in a year.
  • – Be able to come and plant it on November 25, experiencing a unique and fun experience in the midst of nature.
  • – Be able to follow the growth of your tree via the online platform, receiving photos and updates on its health and activities in the area.

Adopt a tree in Sicily

Choose you favorite tree

Why adopt trees in Sicily?


Because trees are essential to the well-being of the planet and people. Our trees in fact:


preserve the island’s forest heritage and biodiversity, which is home to endemic, relict and rare species, such as Etna’s Broom. 

They mitigate the negative effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, drought and hydrogeological disruption.


Adopt a tree in San Lio Forest and help save the climate. We are waiting for you!


How to participate


What are you waiting for? Choose from a variety of species available on WOWnature. You can also gift a tree to a loved one or dedicate it to a special occasion. Each tree has a story to tell, and you can be a part of it.


Adopt or gift a tree: choose from available species.


Invitation to planting event: after adopting a tree, you will receive an email invitation to the event where you can plant your tree in person. Share this experience with friends and family to make the day even more special. 


Get ready for the event: wear comfortable clothes and sneakers. Nov. 24 will be the perfect opportunity to relax in nature while doing good for the environment.


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