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It’s not just tree-planting, but forest regeneration

On September 11, 2022, together with the Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme we met more than 70 people eager to plant their tree in person. Seeing couples, families with children of all ages makes us more and more certain that planting is an activity for everyone. We spent a morning outdoors, trying to reach a common goal with a small gesture. Could it be any better?

We met mid-morning at Passo Lavazé, with a beautiful view of Corno Nero and Corno Bianco. Enjoying the Dolomites at 1,800 meters was even more pleasant given the mild, sunny day. We also took the opportunity to check the status of the trees we planted in the summer, which are thriving. The Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme takes good care of them! Do not worry, your trees are in very good hands.

From 2019 to the present, the forest is coming back to life

Val di Fiemme is one of the first areas that WOWnature decided to reforest and restore. It was an almost obligatory choice following Storm Vaia, which tore down 42 million trees at the end of 2018. Our team of experts designed interventions with artificial regeneration to complement natural regeneration.

Our goal is to increase biodiversity and speed forest recovery. That is why we plant various species: fir, larch, rowan, Aleppo pine, ash, birch and maple. The choice is not random; these are native trees that improve the resilience of the forest to extreme weather events and attacks by pests such as bark beetles. The great work of restoring such a damaged ecosystem requires great efforts.

Therefore, our projects involve citizens, institutions, and companies willing to do their part. To date, as many as 68,759 trees have been adopted, which plant after plant are being planted in the mountains of Val di Fiemme.


Here’s a peak from the latest planting event.

If you’d like to participate in the next planting, adopt your tree now.


that lasts forever


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