Bosco dei Sette Cieli
An edible forest in the mountains of Palermo, designed to prevent fires.
In the mountains of Palermo, an edible forest designed to prevent fires is growing. How is this possible? Together, we can plant a resilient forest rich in biodiversity. 40 different species of trees, surrounded by a hedge that helps block strong winds in the area and stop the advance of fire. Such a forest mimics nature’s cycles and improves soil fertility. Plants will help each other and benefit people as well. Sette Cieli (Seven Heaven) Forest aims to produce food sustainably, make homes for numerous insects and small animals, and above all to combat erosion and forest fires. From fallow land to a resource for nature and the community.
Fun fact: Why is it called the Forest of the Seven Heavens?
The name comes from one of the many epithets given to the Moarda, the mountain overlooking the town of Altofonte (PA). The food-forest will welcome hikers accessing the mountain so beloved by Altofonte and Palermo residents. The Moarda is a succession of seven peaks, called “heavens” in the past, numbered from Punta Primo Cielo, near our forest. The number seven also returns in the composition of the forest: a food-forest is composed of seven layers (tall trees, low trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, ground cover such as ivy, bulbous, lianose, typical of the Mediterranean scrub). Therefore, to make the most of the area, we chose to plant a food forest at the ideal place where seven layers of vegetation intersect with the Seven Heavens.
Adopt a tree at Bosco dei Sette Cieli and come and plant it on 30 November 2024.
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