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The forests we protect

Parco Villa Roberti

Brugine (PD)

Protect Parco Villa Roberti

Current threat : Wind and extreme weather

When winds are beyond a given intensity, they can uproot and blow down entire hectares of forest. Protecting a forest from wind and storms, it allows for the development of a more resilient environment, capable of bearing extreme weather events as well.




Choose your contribution

18,00 €

Protect 14 m2 to
store 572 Kg of CO2

29,00 €

Protect 23 m2 to
store 921 Kg of CO2

89,00 €

Protect 71 m2 to
store 2.827 Kg of CO2

250,00 €

Protect 200 m2 to
store 7.940 Kg of CO2

Villa Roberti park, a cultural landmark in the Padua province, has been damaged over the years by heavy winds and pest overgrowth. Today, the forest needs to be maintained and secured, so that its trees can thrive properly, without being a danger for its users.

A villa that thrills with the grandeur of its rooms and centuries-old charm. Decored two brilliant painters, Zelotti and Veronese with scenes inspired by celestial love scenes, Villa Roberti is enshrined in gentle and precious landscape that offers surprising peaceful spots. Today, Villa Roberti has once again become a landmark for the city”s cultural life: a packed concert lineup, plays, and book presentations keep locals’ curiosity alive. Plus, it is a great place to start exploring the surroundings. The forest of Villa Roberti covers about two hectares south of the villa, and is one of the largest in the lowlands of Padua. The vegetation is Mediterranean, with linden, plane trees, horse chestnuts, field poplars, field maples, hornbeams, and some types of oaks, including a centuries-old specimen of large size. Its underbrush is rich in rose and spindle bushes, weigela, hydrangea and forsythia. In 2019, Villa Roberti Wood joined the Forestry Association Lowland Woods, in Italian AFP, the first association of lowland forest owners. Established in 2002, AFP aims to implement efficient, responsible and sustainable management of forest resources. To maximize the environmental and social benefits of the forest, stewardship will focus on eliminating weed and invasive species. It also relates to keeping it safe for visitors by removing broken or dangerous branches, and planting new shrubs.

Partners who take care of the forest

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