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WOWnature, BE Happy! 2022

A yoga class in Padova to support a reforestation project in Lio Piccolo, in the Venice Lagoon.

September 18, 2022 – from 4pm| Parco degli Alpini (Montà, Padova).
An afternoon outdoor to focus on our wellbeing and that of  nature!

The yoga teachers of (A.S.D.) Be Happy, together with Etifor and WOWnature, offer you a yoga session in nature, open to everyone. Let’s enjoy a sunny afternoon toghether, before fall comes. In addition to doing some good for our bodies, we will give a nice gift to nature.

With a voluntary contribution, you can support the Lio Piccolo reforestation project in the Venice Lagoon.


How to partecipate? 

*In case of rain the event will be canceled.



Lio Piccolo is one of the most evocative environments you can find in the Venice Lagoon: a very important place that hides a rich and interesting fauna. Over the past 20 years, the climate crisis, rising average temperatures, numerous storm surges, and extreme events have caused the deterioration and erosion of the vegetation banks and embankments.

Therefore, our reforestation project involves the planting of new trees typical of the environment of the northern Venice lagoon: reathers, junipers and holm oaks. These species, in addition to reinforcing the banks by preventing destruction of the banks by the tides, will increase water purification. Wildlife will find new shelters and grow algae useful for CO2 absorption.


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