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Can growing a tree really make a difference?

The reasons for loving trees are many and very often related to an unconscious feeling of well-being that arises from a relationship with nature. But in addition to pure “love” for nature there are so many scientific reasons that confirm the importance of safeguarding the presence of trees in the world.

Here is a brief summary of all that trees do, quietly, every day: 

– THEY CLEAN THE AIR Plants represent the best organism capable of limiting the increase in CO2. One adult plant produces in a year an amount of oxygen that covers the annual needs of 10 people. In addition, one hectare of plants, depending on the specific characteristics of the species planted, can remove 20 kg of fine particulate matter and smog in one year. 

– THEY IMPROVE WATER QUALITY Trees collect and filter water that enters rivers, lakes, streams and groundwater, increasing the quality of this vital resource. 

– THEY PREVENT SOIL EROSION Tree roots consolidate soil, preventing landslides, avalanches and erosion while crowns retain rain and reduce its force, increasing the time it takes for water to reach the receiving watercourse. 

– THEY REGULATE TEMPERATURE In addition, through shade and the phenomenon of evapotranspiration, trees can go so far as to reduce summer temperatures by 2 to 9 degrees Celsius. 

– PROTECT FROM NOISE Trees and plants are natural sound-absorbing barriers: swaths of vegetation placed along roads can reduce noise by 70 to 80 percent. 

– THEY HELP THE ECONOMY Through the production of timber and food products, trees provide jobs for so many people! 

– THEY INCREASE BIODIVERSITY Countless animals, such as insects, small invertebrates, birds, rodents, and various types of mosses, live in trees, crowns, and barks. A whole world that needs to be protected and safeguarded. 

– THEY CONTRIBUTE TO OUR PSYCHO-PHYSICAL WELL-BEING Breathing in the forest air is considered a truly beneficial remedy as it activates blood circulation, facilitates breathing, promotes relaxation, and lowers anxiety and stress levels. 

– THEY ARE OUR HISTORIC MEMORY The former State Forestry Corps has surveyed more than 22,000 monumental trees in Italy, specimens that are at least two hundred and fifty years old but in many cases are much older. 



Suffice it to say that according to “The State of the World’s Forests 2018” report produced by FAO: 

– 50 percent of edible fruits come from trees; 

– the food security of about 250 million poor people depends on trees; 

– forests provide drinking water for more than 1/3 of the world’s largest cities; 

– about 2.4 billion people use wood for cooking and heating; 

– forests absorb about 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually; 

– the obesity rate of children living in green areas is 11-19% lower. 


Simply put, forests and trees make vital contributions to both humans and the planet, and by helping them you help yourself. 



An old man was planting a carob tree when someone passed by and said, “Why are you planting this tree? You will never get to eat its fruit.” And the old man replied, “I eat the fruit of the tree that my ancestors planted; I plant this one for my grandchildren to eat” (ancient rabbinic parable). With WOWnature, you will do more than plant a tree… you will help it grow! Because planting is but the first step in a long journey and often the “easiest” one. Thanks to the advice of Etifor’s forestry team, which has planted more than 250,000 trees over the years, we are well aware of the problems green space managers have. Keeping forests, parks, and green areas clean and safe are the real challenges! That’s why your contribution will help support not only the planting but also the management of your tree! 




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